Take a look at my current weekly layout in my bullet journal and how to create it step by step.

Recently, I have been obsessed with 1 weekly spread in my BUJO. It encompasses most of my daily to-do's as a mom, business owner and wife. And I wanted to share this layout with you as well as a picture step by step so you can create it too! I create this layout in my STM A5 grid journal using 2 pages. First I outline with pencil, then go over with my fine liner. Finally I add color and pretties with Crayola Super Tips & Stickers. I make sure to check my box count page to be sure I have the space I need. I put this page in the last page of my STM. It shows the measurement in cm, in & boxes. That way I can plan for stickers and layouts alike.
Left page
1. For the first page in this layout, I count down 7 boxes then make a horizontal line. Above this line I make my calendar put a quote/saying either handwritten or a sticker. The month, number week and dates
2. Under that box I skip a line then place a 6 line ombre checklist sticker. Which is labeled "household Goals" I use this box for my bigger house task for the week, ie: Clean out the fridge, wash all the bedding, clean the oven. Next to that is another ombre checklist box sticker labeled "Bills Due". And I note everything that needs to be paid for that week. lastly, I place a 3 line ombre box and label it "gym days". I note the days I plan on making it to the gym.
3. On the right side of the page (I start at the bottom and count up) draw a box 14 & 14 boxes. My columns are 4-4-7 and rows are each 2 boxes which extra room for dinner planning. (I have a family of 6 and we all eat at different times during the week in the morning and nobody is home during lunch but me.) This is used to plan meals for me during the day so I make sure I am eating and dinner for the family.
4. On the left side of the page skip 2 lines from the bottom of the ombre box. Place another ombre checklist sticker and label it Business goals. (I have a separate planner I use strictly for the blog, Etsy shop and business to-do's) I do this so I have an overview of what I need to make time for in my business life and can account for it in my personal life, checks and balances everywhere.
5. I place a weight tracking sticker under the gym days box.
6. Then I decorate the empty spaces with stickers or doodles of both.

Right page
The right page is a lot less involved.
1. Draw a line down the middle, 14 boxes across on each side. Each row will be 10 boxes down. The last row will be 8.
2. The first line of each box is highlighted and the day of the week is wrote out. (The joy of this setup is it can be used as a Monday or Sunday Start. I also add the date to each day.
3. The bottom right becomes my habit tracker for the week.
4. A hydrate sticker is placed for each day.
5. I decorate, doodle or color to match page 1.
6. I sticker out anything I can and write in the rest of my plans. And there you have it my favorite spread so far this year.

I hope this is helpful for anyone trying to find planner peace in their BUJO or any other planner that you are drawing out your own spreads. Links to all the items I used in this spread are below.
Black Scribbles That Matter Grid Journal: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C6CB9VV/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Crayola Super Tips: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07H55CKN3/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
BIC Velocity 0.7 mm #2 Mechanical Pencil: https://www.amazon.com/BIC-Velocity-Original-Mechanical-4-Count/dp/B001A4271A/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=bic+velocity+pencil&qid=1553011502&refinements=p_n_feature_keywords_two_browse-bin%3A4928952011&rnid=4928949011&s=office-products&sr=1-4
BIC Intensity Fineliner: https://www.amazon.com/BIC-Intensity-Fineliner-Assorted-10-Count/dp/B01N9VYTYC/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=bic+intensity+fineliner&qid=1553011690&s=gateway&sr=8-3
Ombre Sticker Boxes: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LetsPaperUp?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=499677539
Happy Planner Stickers (I use from several books, So I linked the site.): https://shop.meandmybigideas.com/search?q=sticker&submit=
My ruler came from the dollar tree.